A Marrakech tale of My Curious Home: Part 3

Hello again.   Have you had enough of my curious things? 

If not, a few more....

Vintage Buddha head from Nepal, antique Buddha hand from Cambodia, very old sculpture from Iran, African porcupine quills in a handmade Egyptian fayoum ceramic cup.  Table made from part of a Moroccan ceiling panel.


Couch made by my husband.  Upholstered with an old Moroccan Berber blanket.  Bolsters covered in vintage Yemeni fabric with fine metal woven panels  & Indian blue hand embroidery.  Odd little Arab doll found in the Marrakech souk.


Old African chair bought in Senegal. Vintage hand embroidered belt with coins and cowrie shells from India.  Antique African chair sculpture purchased in Liberia.  Hammered metal bowl from Egypt.  Antique Korean wedding chest with metal fittings (1 of a set of 2).

Moroccan mosque ink stands on old French library table.

Chair my husband built for me. On the back, an old Moroccan carpet fragment. On the arm, a hood from Afghanistan covered in vintage charms and dangly bits.

 Moroccan photography book.  Dogon sun bead from Mali. Vintage kohl holder from the Sinai. Heavy Moroccan bracelet.  Vintage metal cigarette box from Egypt.

****More tomorrow?