Marrakech: a tale of ethnic chic table setting in the Peacock Pavilions dining tent

I conjure up a lot of table settings at Peacock Pavilions in Marrakech and they don't have too much in common with the ones I see in Crate & Barrel catalogues.  Rather, they tend to follow my own brand of ethnic chic, which often involves goods procured in foreign lands mixed with wild abandon.  

Here the flowers from my own rose garden. {These roses smell sublime.}  My vases:  glass Spanish mineral water bottles.

Moroccan table settings at Peacock Pavilions in Marrakech 2

Add in a very long length of nomadic handmade, hand dyed fabric (which is actually Mauritanian dress, worn a bit like a sari). Indian dagmar votives.

Moroccan table setting at Peacock Pavilions 1

Place on top, hand carved lacy placemats/chargers from Indonesia. Custom embroidered peacock feather napkins.

Moroccan table setting at Peacock Pavilions 3

More pattern?  No problem. Bench cushions covered in the embroidery of the Moroccan city of Fez pattern. 

Moroccan table setting at Peacock Pavilions 4

Repeat in multiples, bien sur.

Moroccan table setting at Peacock Pavilions 5
Setting:  Arabian dining tent at Peacock Pavilions.

Moroccan table setting at Peacock Pavilions 6

If possible, add in guests traveling from Tokyo, France, Brazil and the US.

Moroccan table setting at Peacock Pavilions 7
When are you coming?


PS Amy, this post is for you. Thank you for the good juju you bring. xo