Morocco, Libya, Bahrain, Iran and, really, the world: A tale of Persian Love Cake

In these times of turmoil, of tumult, of turbulence.  Yes, in these times of upheaval, of unrest, of uproar. Oh, in these times of clamoring, confusion, and commotion, I thought I would offer you this:

Persian Love Cake.

Persian Love Cake 3
Persian Love Cake is made with saffron, cardamom, cream and rosewater. But it's also made with love. Other useful ingredients are concern, restraint and doing the right thing. I advise firmly whisking in hopes for peace, moderation, and tolerance. Then baking until lightly golden.

Persian Love Cake 2
The candied rose petals are optional, of course. But helpful when wishing for rose colored glasses to see the world around you.

Persian Love Cake 1
If you are wondering what this post is about, I suggest watching the nightly news, followed by a brisk read of Like Water for Chocolate.

PS The rest of the recipe for Persian Love Cake can be found on Epicurious right here.  My Persian mother would be so proud.