Marrakesh: and a tale of a holiday breakfast

Here's hoping your holidays are filled with simple but really good things.  

On Christmas morning in Marrakesh we made fruit salad and served it in pretty dishes.

Christmas at Peacock Pavilions in Marrakech 002

There was Coffee cake and baked French toast, made the night before and popped in the oven in the morning. Doled out with a sterling silver server from Iran

Christmas at Peacock Pavilions in Marrakech 019-2

Freshly squeezed juice -- a mix of orange and mandarin -- in Moroccan tea glasses. And whipped cream for the coffee cake and french toast.

Christmas at Peacock Pavilions in Marrakech 007
Merry Christmas from Marrakesh:-)

Christmas at Peacock Pavilions in Marrakech 010
PS I won first place in the photography contest at the international development firm where I work for a photo I took in Mali. Such a nice Christmas present for me:-)